Friday, June 27, 2008

Our Crazy Life

Well, it's been a week now since we left Alabama. Ten months goes by so fast! We are on the road to our new home in North Dakota but we've been able to make some stops before we start that way.

We had the opportunity to visit a friend of Brian's that he met in Florida years ago - Beth and her husband, Don. It was nice to catch up with them. From there we headed to my brother's house outside Atlanta. We spent a couple of days there then headed down to Savannah to my mom and dad's where we've been able to recooperate a little from the stress of packers and such before we head out on the road again, tomorrow. We arrived here on my birthday and my mom made a yummy dinner of Low Country Boil - for all you non-Southerners out there it's a big pot of shrimp, new potatoes, corn, and sausage all boiled together with Old Bay and other seasonings. She also had a cake for me and a present - Switch Flops, cool flip-flops that you can change the strap on to look different. After dinner, we went to my aunt and uncle's house to swim in their pool and enjoy their hot tub. My cousins were also there so it was nice to visit with everyone. Tuesday we ran some errands and just kind of relaxed. Wednesday we woke up to me not feeling well and Ellie running a fever. We stayed around the house while Brian took the van to get a new tire (on the way to Savannah, we got a flat tire). That evening my mom was kind enough to let Brian and I get away to our favorite place for Buffalo shrimp - the Oyster Bar on River Street downtown. It was just as good as we remembered and we enjoyed some time to ourselves. Thursday we went to the beach. We were only there about 3 hours but most of us left with a burn of some kind. I am probably the worst since I was pretty white to begin with. We then went to another Savannah favorite that my granddad used to take us to all the time - Johnny Harris. We were all looking pretty rough but we sat in the kitchen area and enjoyed a nice dinner. Today we ended up doing some shopping and got to meet my cousin, Tina, and her kids for lunch. Tomorrow we are going to my paternal grandmother's side family reunion and I hope to be able to see my other aunt, uncle and cousins there plus meet some other family members I've never met before. Should be pretty interesting. From there we are heading back up to Atlanta for the evening then beginning our trek north.
Well, that's pretty much a quick overview of life with us right now - and it only gets crazier from here! If you think of it, please say a little prayer for us that we'll have a safe trip!


lisam said...
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lisam said...

Boy am I messing up my comment. I am so sorry! I will pray your trip is a safe one. Are you driving? Please let me know when you get up here. I do have tips on getting past your 1st winter up here. I still would rather head south than have to deal with it at all.
I know we still maybe a little distance from each other but maybe we can work something out amd met in Fargo sometime?