Monday, August 22, 2011

The beginning of our European Adventure

Yay, it worked, now I really can blog in an easy and much more enjoyable way! So, here it goes....
I plan to go back and tell about the rest of our summer since it was FILLED with travel and fun but I thought it would be easier to start with the here and now then work my way back as I have time. As of tomorrow we have been here in Germany for three weeks. I still can't believe it has been that long already although we did just move in to our house this past Saturday so it does seem that long in some ways! Here's a picture of the kids with Bella on the couch at our TLF.

We have yet to get our household goods so we are "camping out" in our house with loaner furniture and dishes. It hasn't been too bad and we are really hoping to get our stuff in the next week (it was supposed to be here July 31!). The downside at the moment is that it is fairly warm out and there is no air conditioning so we are having to get used to that. We just keep reminding ourselves that we won't need it (air conditioning) soon enough!
For those of you that don't know, I spent six years growing up in Germany so in many ways this is a coming home for me! Here's a picture of me with my old high school in the background.

I must admit there is A LOT I don't remember (it was 20 years ago) about living here and the one I'm the most embarrassed to admit is that I DON'T remember all the hills right here! It really is beautiful! The village we are living in is at the top of a hill and you have to drive some windy, scary roads but the views/scenery are amazing!! I hope to have some pictures to share soon.
One of the things I DO remember about living here is spaghetti eis (ice cream). Although the kids and I got to have some with friends one day, here is a picture of us taking Brian for his first one.

Ellie loves that she can have fruchteis (sorbet) at just about all the ice cream shops here! Here she is enjoying one!

There are definitely lots of things to get used to with living here and the lack of being able to get tap water at most restaurants is a little frustrating for a family that drinks mainly that! We have learned to ask for stilles wasser (water without bubbles) but even then it turns out it can be mineral with no bubbles so there are no guarantees. One of our first adventures out on our own we ate dinner at a donner kebab place - they are quite popular here! Here's a pictures of our drinks just to show you something you don't see much in the US.

Okay, you see Coke everywhere but probably not Fanta in bottles or Mezzo Mix! It turns out it is a mix of coke with orange flavor although I didn't really taste much orange!
Well, I am going to wrap it up for now. There is still much to share about the last three weeks but it will have to wait for another time.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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