Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Well, I thought I would put out an update about homeschooling Ian. We officially started last week and our first week went quite well. We've really enjoyed our science so far (Dinosaurs and the Bible) and we've been doing the read-aloud book as a family and we've all be enjoying it. All of us look forward to each chapter and finding out what happens and we've each used "voices" to spice it up so that's been fun. Math looks like it's going to be a little bit of a challenge but it usually is for me - not because I don't get it but because I have a hard time understanding why HE doesn't get it! So, I've been praying for lots of love and understanding with that.
Another concern I'd had was how it was going to work with Ellie and God has been good because Ellie has done wonderful! With the way our schedule is working out she sleeps from about 10am-12pm and we're able get almost all of it done during that time so I've been able to focus on Ian. I'm sure some of that will change when her nap schedule changes but so far, so good!

This week has been a little more challenging with the holiday on Monday. We had a tough time getting into it yesterday and then this morning I had some training to go to so we didn't school at all today but I suppose that's the beauty of homeschooling!

I'm attaching a picture of each child - Ian's first day of school, Josh's first day of school, and one of Ellie on Ian's first day of school (she put on the sunglasses by herself)!

1 comment:

Beverly said...

Great pics! I'm glad things are going well so far. I also like the Decor Elements, LOL!