Saturday, September 27, 2008

Josh's Happenings

I haven't really posted much about Josh lately so I thought it time I did. Josh has adjusted pretty nicely to being here in North Dakota. He's enjoying his classes and seems to be doing pretty well in them. A couple of weeks ago he tried out for the upcoming school play and landed a role! He's one of five guys and seven girls in a play called, "And Never Been Kissed." He was pretty happy to get the part and is enjoying rehearsals. The show will be Halloween weekend.

Last weekend was homecoming weekend. He went to the game Friday night with a group from here on base. Then, Saturday, he met up with a group of people at a friend in town's house. I (in a separate car) went with him to her house so I could meet her and her mom. (I should clarify that she wasn't Josh's date just the person inviting everyone to her house before the dance!) The picture to the left is one of Josh with a girl they call Simon (on the left) and Alex is the one on the right. Very nice folks and looked like they were all having a good time. I would've liked to stay longer but Ian was still on base with friends and I told them I would be back by 4 and it was already 4 so I had to go. Since I wasn't there when they took pictures (once they were all dressed up) Alex's mom was nice enough to take some and Alex posted them on her facebook so I have a couple to share with you (thank you Alex and Kim!). You may or may not notice from the pictures but I took him to get a haircut before he went to Alex's house. He was not at ALL happy with the way it turned out and he's been surprised how many compliments he's gotten on it! He says, "Why can't people compliment the haircuts I like?" Oh, well, as he said, it'll only take about 2 weeks for his curls to come back!! He had a fun time at the dance and it sounds like fun was had by all. Plus, he was pleasantly surprised to discover that they played other music than just rap!!
Last night Josh told me he had something kinda surprising happen to him at school yesterday. He was walking through the halls when his Biology teacher stopped him and told him that he had recommended Josh to another teacher for the Science team! Then, his teacher happened to see the other teacher and introduced him to Josh and the teacher asked him something like, "So, are you really a genius?" Anyway, the Science team would start at the end of October and the competition would be in February. What's neat, too, is his Biology teacher is a Christian and has made it pretty clear in some of the things he says in class - which is great when in a Biology class! I told Josh that based on this (being asked to be on the Science team) and his true abilities in the science arena that, perhaps, he should consider doing something with it as a profession?! I told him that God gives us talents and abilities and we really are designed to enjoy our work and wouldn't it be cool to be able to make money doing stuff we love (plus, what we were designed for). I thought it interesting that he came up with Biochemistry - he enjoys both biology and chemistry and he's pretty good at both of them. SO, perhaps it's something he'll consider rather than feeling locked in to graphic design just because of the things he's done in high school.
Well, I think that brings you pretty up-to-date on the goings on in Josh's life. Please say a little prayer for him when you think of him with it being his senior year and trying to make some big decisions. Thanks so much!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to hard to believe Josh is a Senior. Man time flies!! :( Okay I think I'm gonna cry now!