Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The 4th day of Christmas

Ian lost a top tooth today. He looks so cute with his toothless grin. I meant to take a picture but time just got away from me this evening. Brian got home earlier today than he has in a while - around 4pm and we went walking. Ellie and I had already gone this morning but we aren't going to be able to tomorrow because our Kindermusik class got moved to Wednesday so I figured we'd make up for it by going again. The sun was already beginning to set so it definitely made it a little chillier! Ellie looks so cute all bundled up! After our walk, I started dinner and Brian graciously agreed to put the lights up outside for me. He did a great job and although it's not a lot of lights, at least it looks spirited!
Tonight I tried a new recipe for steak sandwhiches. Brian wasn't a big fan of them, but I thought they were pretty good. I'd made sweet potato french fries (baked) and salad. Ian took forever (again) tonight to eat. Brian and I both recall that we had this same issue with Josh at exactly this age so I guess it should come as no surprise but we had to set the timer for him which we don't typically have to do. He did finally eat what we told him he must eat but we didn't allow him to have any dessert.
After getting the kitchen clean and making lunches, I finally got more of the indoor stuff put up. I need to get a couple of finishing "touches" and then I think it'll be safe to say I'm done! Now still need to work on those cards! I did actually sit and stamp a couple of samples but haven't created "the one" yet.
Before Ian went to bed we did do our reading (I have a book of daily readings for the 25 days of Christmas), sung "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" and had our advent prayer so it was a good way to end the evening with him. I was up a little later than usual last night so I'm definitely ready to head that way now. Good night!


Fuxa Family said...

Hey Girl...
I just caught up on your blogs from this month... sounds like you are crazy busy. I just started a blog today and sent you the link via e-mail... should be interesting...

Bob and Claire said...

Hey, how do you make your sweet potato fries? I would love to make these sometime, but I don't have a good recipe.