It has, once again, been a while since I've had the time to sit and blog and I do have lots to blog about - it's just finding the time to do it that's the problem! After talking to some family members, I realized I haven't mentioned much about what is going on in the life of Josh - our soon to graduate senior! We still have no idea as to where he will head for college in a few short months, but here's a list of the ones he has applied to: Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids, MI, Cedarville University in Ohio, Palm Beach Atlantic University in Palm Beach, Florida, and Northwestern College in St Paul, MN. They are all christian universities and part of the problem is not knowing where we'll be after next summer. He's pretty much ruled out Cornerstone although he really liked it due to the fact it doesn't have a graphic arts program. He's in between wanting to do graphics, something with science and theater. I think I pretty much have him convinced NOT to major in theater but he's not sure between the graphic arts and science. The one in Palm Beach is supposed to have a program in Marine Biology which is something he used to say when he was 7 that he was going to do and he's back to thinking about it again! So, that's the update on the whole college search stuff as it stands right now.
Although he isn't currently in any theater productions he is staying busy with a new activity - working! He started working at Coldstone Creamery a few weeks ago and seems to really be enjoying it. The job almost "fell in his lap" because the owner of the store goes to our church and helps out with the youth so he already knew Josh and didn't need to interview him! The owner also told Josh that if he goes away to college, he can still work for him when he comes home on breaks, so that's nice!
Josh is also gearing up for Prom!! It is a week away and his date's name is Amanda. They met through a mutual friend because she goes to a different school. We got to meet her when we went to help pick out Josh's tux. She's going to be wearing a pink dress so he'll be wearing a pink tie and vest. I'm looking forward to seeing how it all comes out.
If you'd like to see a sampling of his senior photos, you can click here.
Pegboard Corner Desk Tutorial
4 years ago
1 comment:
Wow, great pics!! But he looks so serious in them all! ;-) What a handsome guy he's grown up to be! I'm sure it's hard to believe he's graduating...
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