Saturday, March 22, 2008

Can Easter Really Be Tomorrow?

I am sitting in my living room and all is quiet except for the dishwasher and my dad's occasional snore from the other couch as he naps. The rest of my family is napping at noon on a Saturday except for Josh who is out at a picnic with friends from his acting class. The past week has been somewhat of a blur and I'm still amazed that tomorrow is Easter. I don't feel ready - either commercially or spiritually and here's an overview of why: Josh, Ellie and I arrived home last Saturday afternoon from our trip to the beach and had a good afternoon with Brian and Ian. Sunday we went to church and then had a good afternoon but on Monday Ellie awoke from her nap a little early and when I went in to get her she was covered in throw-up! So, I took her to the bathroom to get her cleaned up and she began throwing up some more. Bless her heart she threw up quite a bit and I finally got her bathed and dressed only to have to change her outfit (and mine) again. She continued throwing up every now and again for the next couple of hours. Our biggest concern, of course, was making sure she stayed hydrated. Anyway, that evening Brian set his alarm for every couple of hours so we could go and give her sips of water so she could keep it down. While I was on my shift I heard someone upstairs in the restroom and went to check it out and found Josh throwing up in his bathroom! Great! By the next morning I wasn't feeling great and felt like if I could just throw up I would feel better. I never did end up throwing up but my stomach was uneasy and I ended up running a fever and feeling achy all day. Thankfully, Brian had that day off and was able to play nurse maid to all us sickies! Ellie would just lay on me that day which, to be honest, was kind of nice because she doesn't do that very much! Wednesday I woke up feeling a little better and not running a fever and Josh hadn't thrown up since earlier the day before so I took him to school and told him if he didn't feel good, just to call me and I'd come get him. Ellie hadn't thrown up any on Tuesday so we were kind of treating her like "normal" when she ended up throwing up on me on Wednesday! She threw up one more time that day but hasn't since although until today she still hadn't acted like she felt great. My parents arrived Thursday afternoon and we've had a relaxing visit with them until last night when Ian began complaining his stomach didn't feel well and didn't want to eat dinner. As he was getting ready for bed he ended up throwing up. Then, this morning, my mom started gagging and feeling sick and has been in bed since (and has thrown up, too). We really don't think my mom has whatever we've had but she and Ian were talking while in the bathroom (comparing notes) and they realized they both had Chic-fil-a nuggets yesterday. Not sure if it's related or not but interesting to note. So, anyway, with now all but Brian and my dad being sick in the past week that's why I feel unprepared for Easter!
Spiritually I find it hard when my babies (this time Ellie) are sick. I stress and think, are they going to get better or is something worse going to happen. I trust in the Lord to take care of my family but, to be honest, we don't always know what that might entail! I am so thankful that Ellie is feeling better and is acting more like herself today and I'm thankful I have a husband who took care of us during the worst of it all. I'm thankful I have a Savior who died on the cross, was buried and rose again to pay for my sin so that I might have a relationship with the Almighty. This Easter I will focus on the fact that the cross is empty and so is the tomb and because of those two things we have hope.

1 comment:

Amy Kilpatrick said...

I totally feel for you, girl! We were there not too long ago! It's okay that you aren't feeling as spiritual now as you have been in the past. There's been lots going on and God knows you haven't forgotten Him! Take care of your family. I will talk to you this week. HAPPY EASTER!

P.S. I strongly disagree that my beloved Chick-Fil-A would be the culprit with Ian and your Mom...LOL!