Thursday, October 25, 2007

Eliana Noel

I thought it appropriate to take time to tell Eliana's story. Ian actually started praying for a little sister years ago (and Josh had prayed for one a long time ago but got Ian instead! :)) Well, in September of 2006 I went to Oklahoma for my dad's retirement from the Air Force. While I was there, Brian took the boys to visit his parents in New Hampshire. During that time, Brian and I both had the thought that we should have another child. So, needless to say in October I found out I was pregnant! I spent a lot of time negotiating with God and really praying that this little one would be a girl. Plus, I had a lot of friends who were praying, too! We were finally able to find out the sex of our baby in January and boy was I nervous!! Well, the tech finally said it looked like we were getting our wish - the baby was a girl!! Brian and I went to lunch and bought a couple of girl outfits while we were out.

For the next few months I was still nervous - what if the tech was wrong? Plus, I had lots of people saying, Oh, are you having a boy? Or, you look like you're carrying a boy - that sure didn't make me happy! Our due date came and went and still no baby. Finally four days past her due date, Eliana Noel made her appearance! My labor was different from all the others. This time I woke up because my water broke - normally my water hasn't broken until time for the baby to come so because of that trend, Brian and I rushed to the hospital! (Plus, my labors have lasted 3 1/2 hours or less!) I still wasn't really having strong contractions, though, and was only 1cm dialated. I finally had a good contraction about an hour later and decided that although I'd had the others naturally, I thought an epidural might be okay for this one! So, despite my fear of needles in my back, I took the plunge and had an epidural. BOY what a different experience! Brian and I were able to essentially sleep through most of my labor. I finally started feeling some pain and talked to the nurse and she was going to get the guys to give me more stuff but the doc decided to check my progression. Well, it turns out I was 10cm dialated and ready to push that's why I was having pains! Brian finally woke up about that time! :) After 6 3/4 hours of labor, Eliana Noel was born! It really was a girl. Eliana is Hebrew and it means "God answers prayers". I thought she looked so tiny but it turns out she is my biggest baby weighing in at 8lb5.5oz! She was 20 3/4 inches long. She was a little blue and they wanted to watch her for a little bit because her blood sugar level was low but otherwise she was healthy. I didn't get to try and nurse her until after they sewed me up and let her come out of the nursery. She took right to it but, unfortunately, I had a lot of the same problems nursing her in the beginning as I did with Ian. Thankfully, though, things improved after about 7 weeks and she is nursing fine.

This sweet picture was taken by my friend Andrea - she got a new digital camera and
took some great pictures of Ellie for me!

I do believe she may have had a touch of colic or reflux. Not really sure which all I know is for about the first 2 months if she wasn't eating or sleeping she seemed to be screaming. She is a sweetie now although this week has been a little harder because she has a little cold and hasn't been feeling that great. I have so enjoyed having a little girl and getting to do little girl stuff for her - we got her ears pierced a couple of weeks ago and I have little hair bows I put in her hair just about everyday. It's funny because now that it's a little colder out I'm not sure how to dress her! With Ian I never had to worry about that so it's funny having to worry about if she'll be warm or not.

I love this picture of Ellie and her new baby doll -
she smiles so big when she sees her!

Brian and I are really enjoying her. She is still sleeping in our room for a couple of reasons: 1. We dont' have her crib yet although it's on order & 2. We don't have a monitor yet and her room is on the other side of the house & 3. She is still getting up around 5am to eat and it's just easier to not have to walk across the house to get her!

All of this to say that we feel so blessed that the Lord
answered our prayers with this sweet baby girl!

This picture was taken this week
in an outfit our friend Lisa
gave us when we
found out we were having a girl -
thank you, Lisa!
She is getting SO BIG!!

1 comment:

Bob and Claire said...

I am so glad you started blogging!! I really enjoyed reading your posts and catching up on your life, especially the birth of Eliana! I am so excited that you had a girl too! I thought your house story was amazing--is Brian at AWC?

I love blogging too, not because I don't talk to Bob, but so others can keep up, like my family, and also (this is turning into a major run-on, LOL)to keep a record of things. It's fun for me to go back a year or 2 and read old posts. I am reminded of things the kids did or things that happened that I had forgotten about. I never was good at keeping an actual diary, but this online one has been fun!

I look forward to more posts! : )
