Monday, October 22, 2007

Entering the world of blogging

Okay, I've kept up with friend's blogs and have enjoyed reading and being "part" of their lives so I thought I would try my hand at the whole thing. As I do so, though, I must be honest in saying Brian isn't a big fan. He thinks he must not be providing me with a sufficient outlet to share things so I need to create an online diary others can read. That's not really the case. I am fortunate to be married to my best friend and am so thankful I get to spend the rest of my life with him but, really, I just think this looks like fun. In fact, I've been creating "blogs" in my head for a couple of days now! I guess we'll see how I feel about this after a while and having people comment on my "diary!" My thoughts are also that if people really want to know what's going on in our lives, they can read this and I don't always have to send out a mass email to everyone! The ones who really want to know can come read for themselves. I must say upfront that my grammar is probably horrible and I'm going to write as I think so it may not always make sense but those who know me will understand. Besides, isn't this supposed to be for me and my family, not necessarily for everyone else?! OKAY enough of all that. Let's begin at today and I may go back and start at the beginning another time...

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