Friday, February 1, 2008

Eliana Update

Well, Ellie finally had her six month check up on Wednesday and they kept saying, so she's six months old and I kept having to correct them, "Technically, she's 7 1/2 months!" Anyway, all went well but she hasn't grown a whole lot. She is only 5 ounces more than she was last time (making her in about the 2% as far as weight is concerned) and she's 25.75 inches long (puts her in about the 40% on height). The doctor was asking if she's been eating and I was telling him that a lot of times I feel like we have to make her stop eating so I told Brian maybe we shouldn't stop her eating - just let her go?! Anyway, because of her size he would like her to come back in at 9 1/2 months to get that checked up on. I think she's doing fine. She does everything developmentally that she's supposed to - she is officially rolling from back to front now and she can move toys from hand to hand and she feeds herself (finger foods). Oh! She got one shot while we were there (I'm doing a VERY modified immunization schedule with her) and as we were leaving the tech was waving at her and saying "Bye!" and Ellie waved back!! That was a first! I think it made the tech's day. I took this picture of her this morning - she was actually sitting and playing with her toys so I had to get a picture!


Bob and Claire said...

Ahh, Ellie sounds just like Grace. At Grace's 6 month appointment, she was 13 pounds--after a birthweight of 8# 13 oz.! So she is definitely also down below the 5th percentile, and the doctor wasn't happy about that. But I simply told him to look at my other 5 kids, all of whom are between the 5th and 10th percentiles and realize we simply aren't going to have big kids! Grace was crawling by 6 months and obviously perfectly fine too, so I don't let the weight things bother me. I know she's healthy! We are bringing her back at 9 months (next Friday actually) as well, just so they can keep on eye on her. But I'm not going to do anything differently!

At least she's not obese! : )

Joy said...

That's what I was thinking, too (the obese thing anyway). With the problems Americans are having with weight I'm glad we're not on that side of the spectrum!