Thursday, February 28, 2008

I Feel Good...

I knew that I would now... Okay, okay, forgive me but that song is in my head and it applies to what I wanted to write about. (I know you're singing it now, too! {smile}).

Anyway, I feel good because... I am officially at my pre-pregnancy weight!!!! YAY!!!! It's taken 8 1/2 months but I'm there. I really plateaued (sp?) for quite a while and just couldn't seem to get lower so, finally, about 2 weeks ago I stopped eating desserts and anything that I know has lots of sugar. Living with a choc-a-holic this hasn't been easy. Plus, I have wanted lots of stuff. In the first couple of days I was craving Vanilla Coke (from Sonic not out of a can). Now, if you know me at all you know that I rarely drink sodas so wouldn't you know that's what I wanted! One night I wanted something sweet so I made myself a fruit smoothie - yum! I am not cutting out fruit in spite of all of their natural sugars because, well, I like fruit and think that's better for me than processed sugar. Last night really stunk because I was REALLY wanting some hot chocolate and had decided to allow myself this small pleasure. I boiled the water, got the hot chocolate down and looked at the ingredients. BIG MISTAKE!! The first two ingredients are sugar and corn syrup!!!!! So, I put the can back and didn't have any. GO ME!!! (Hey, this is a big deal for me!) I have always tended to be a little more on the "healthy" side of things up until I was pregnant. I really kinda indulged in a lot and had the weight gain to prove it. According to my friend, Amy, I was more fun to eat with when I was pregnant!!! {LOL} The challenge will be Monday because that's Brian's birthday and he loves store bought cake with lots of icing and I normally have at least one piece... we'll have to see!! I may have to have one bite...

Brian and I have both been trying to lose our "baby weight" and he's been doing great, too. We haven't stopped eating stuff we like just trying to watch portion control, etc. Plus, he's started running a lot more and going to the gym. He's decided that since he'll be at Wright Patterson on a trip in September and that happens to be when the Air Force marathon is that he's going to train to run in it. He had starting training while we lived there but hurt his knees and wasn't able to continue to train. He's been strengthening them ever since and feels like he can do it this time around. I am trying to get to where I can run since he seems to like it so much but it's a total mental thing with me and I can't seem to get past a mile although everyone keeps telling me that if I could push past that mile, it would be easier... I do walk for at least 30 minutes about 5 times a week and I do a little over 2 miles. I would like to start doing more but that's working for now. Brian and I did both get new running shoes so maybe I'll start trying to run more during my walks...

Now, even though I'm at my pre-pregnancy weight I do still have some pounds to lose. Before I got pregnant I was trying to lose 10 pounds so I still have those 10 pounds to go!! I'm also trying to be careful and not go crazy with stuff since I am still nursing and do need a few more calories than normal to have a good supply for Ellie! Brian's graduation ball is June 7th and it would be great if I had lost those 10 pounds by then, wish me luck!!


Amy Kilpatrick said...

You go girl!!

Hartman said...

Fantastic Joy!!!

Bob and Claire said...

Wow, that's great!! Congratulations! I have about 8 pounds to go to be at my prepregnancy weight, and it's been so frustrating. I lost it all so quickly after Anna, but it was because I stopped eating any dairy when she was 3 months (and all chocolate has dairy, LOL). I keep thinking I need to do that again . . . but it's hard to do it when there is no real pressing reason other than weight loss! I also had 10 pounds that I was trying to lose before I got pregnant with Anna, so I still ahve that as well. Sigh . . .but eating chocolate is such a nice treat! : )