Thursday, February 28, 2008


After at least three years of talking about it we FINALLY took the plunge and bought a new comforter set!!! We have been using the same one since we got married and let me just say it had seen better days! Although we have good taste (if I do say so myself :) ), we don't typically have the wallet to match our good taste so it was a financial plunge we just hadn't been willing to take. Well, last week we went to Dillard's to look around and we just happened to see a set we'd had our eye on before on CLEARANCE!!! We hemmed and hawed and finally decided to get it but didn't get any sheets. Sunday we went to Kohl's and they were having buy one get one on sheet sets and mattress pads so, we got two sets of sheets and a new matress pad for us and Josh. So, I finally put everything on our bed yesterday and we got to sleep in our new stuff last night. Wow the sheets we got are really nice and although we paid a little more than we would tend to, we think it might just have been worth it because they feel really nice!!! Now, all we need is a bed! (This bed was left here by our landlords and the mattresses are pretty pathetic but it's queen size and we've never had a queen size so we are using them and Josh has our old bed - which used to be Ian's crib!!!) Here are some pictures of our new set!! (If you can't tell from the pictures, the colors are navy, sage, and tan/khaki with some olive green thrown in.)

1 comment:

Suzan said...

Beautiful!... good sheets are worth the money! I have found some great bargins on them at TJ Max/ Marshalls. I discovered a great set of sheets a couple of years before we got married. My old roomates family used to argue over who got to sleep in my room if I was gone because of the sheets. You will never go back!