Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Update on our snow

Snow drift in front of our front window.
Front porch.

I took some more pictures the other day and thought I should share them with you so you can see our scenery! I took these from inside looking out. Haven't been brave enough to get out and take a picture of the drifts. In the back yard there are about 2-3 feet drifts. One of the things that we've enjoyed in being here are the snowshoe hares. This summer when we arrived I saw one out of the corner of my eye when we were out walking and said to Brian, "What in the world was that?" He hadn't seen it but then he finally saw it and was like I don't know? The things are HUGE!! We thought they were jackrabbits but it turns out they are snow shoe hares and now they are white so that's pretty cool. There are a couple of them that must live around our house because we see them quite frequently. I'm gonna have to try and get a picture some time. As I sit here and blog it's snowing more so the snow is only getting higher!!


Bob and Claire said...

LOL, we have friends stationed in Minot, and the pictures she has posted look awfully similar! My boys would DIE for some of that snow!

Amy Kilpatrick said...

WOW! Here I am complaining about the high being 18 degrees this week out here and there isn't any snow at all! Whew...I bet you'll be sick of seeing white!

Fuxa Family said...

I have been watching the temps up there. Remembering when it was me up there... I enjoyed every bit of it because I knew it was not forever! Quite an experience you will be talking about for years cause I still am:)