Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ian is 8!!

Well, after quite a while of calling him almost 8 I can now officially call Ian "8"! I asked him earlier in the week what he would like to do for his birthday and gave him a few suggestions and he finally asked if we could go fishing. So, we made plans to do just that and got our fishing licenses so we would be "legal." Also, when I asked him what he would like to do about dinner his first response was, once again (that's what he had last year), cordon bleu (I get it from Schwan's so it' not like I make if from scratch). However, I hadn't yet started getting anything from the Schwan's guy here so I told him I'd try but that he might need a backup plan. Well, I tried but the day the Schwan's guy arrived, he had no cordon bleu. When I told Ian he promptly replied, "Well, I guess we'll just have to go to Boston's that way everyone can just get what they want!"

With all of that said, here's an overview of "his" day. Woke up and watched his normal Saturday morning cartoons and played a little play station while Brian got the breakfast ready he'd requested - crepes. (I'm only now realizing a french theme...) After we ate he opened his gifts from us and got 2 games for his Wii plus another kind of controller for it. Then, he got ready for the day and while Brian and I got ready for the day he and Josh had to test out one of his new games. I packed a picnic lunch and we were on our way to go fishing. Although it was a gorgeous day - the wind was pretty fierce and the first place we went didn't have a lot of cover so it was a little chilly. That place also had pretty grassy water so everytime you cast, you got caught in it so it wasn't much fun. After a little bit we decided to try another place and this time there was enough cover that the wind was blocked and it was beautiful. There were lots of frogs around and we played with one for a little bit. The fishing wasn't great (only little fish around) so we had fun just enjoying the area. Since we were going out for dinner that night we brought Ian's "cake" with us. I say it that way because it wasn't a cake. He requested Golden Graham's recipe of "Indoor Smores" as his cake! We got some great pictures and decided to head home for a little bit before heading downtown for dinner. While we were home Ian went to play with some friends for a little bit and after about an hour Brian got a call from one of Ian's friends dads saying, Ian had a bad fall you might want to come get him. Brian went to get him and they were home in a few minutes. He was fine but, apparently, had fallen off his bike and landed on his head that was covered in a helmet so it didn't do anything but put a little scratch in his helmet! Praise the Lord he was fine. Then, we left for dinner. After we got back he opened up his cards and gifts from our out of town family, played Wii for a little bit then called it a night. He said it felt pretty good being 8!
He is quite a character and many feel he seems older than 8 and to be honest he is pretty independent and capable and thinks on his feet better than some teenagers I know. But, I have to remind him he's only 8 and he can't go to the store and swimming pool by himself even though he thinks he should be able to. And, yes, he has great ideas but if I've already asked him to do something he needs to do what I asked - not what he wanted! My neighbor told me he's like talking to a little adult and he really can be that way. It'll be interesting to see how this year goes with me homeschooling him! I plan to try and start tomorrow - say a little prayer for me that I will be covered in love and wisdom (because wisdom leads to patience)!!!

1 comment:

The Jadzinski's said...

Hey girl! I got to your blog via Suzan's. I am sure you have given me the address in the past but we have not found everything yet after the move. I love this blogging thing. I just started about a month ago. Don't the kids just grow toooooo fast! Check us out at . Glad I found you. I can keep up with you better now. Have a great holiday weekend.