Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Josh's School

Well, Josh starts his Senior year tomorrow and he is really looking forward to it. He's been at a different high school every year of high school career and he's handled it all really well. Part of what has him excited about this year is the school itself. It's a school with history in that it opened in 1917. It's a really neat building in the downtown area and we went Monday to check it out and walk his route so he'll have an idea of where he's going tomorrow. We even got to meet some of his teachers while we were there so that was nice. He took some pictures of it while we were there and I thought I would share a couple of them with you. The one on the left is the "main" entrance. The center one is looking down a hallway on the first floor (there are four) and the one on the right is a picture of part of the cafeteria area. Should be fun!

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