Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Josh is 17!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I can't believe it but my eldest is 17 today. I feel bad because today really snuck up on me with being out of town until yesterday but I think (hope) it's been a good day for him. I let him sleep in but he ended up getting up on his own around 9:30am which I was surprised by - it was probably because he was excited about it being his birthday. We had an uneventful morning (except for a housing inspection and the piano tuner coming) which he likes although I did take the opportunity while Ellie was napping to go to the commissary for some necessary items: stuff for dinner and the all-important cake and ice cream! After Ellie's nap we headed out. I had a couple of errands to run then I took Josh to help me pick out his "big" gift from us. I took him to the music store and let him make a decision between two bass amplifiers. So, he now has an amp to play with and practice. I am also looking at signing him up for lessons in the fall. Tonight he requested his usual for dinner - what we call hawaiian chicken, rice and sliced pears. Then, he invited some people he's met since being here over for dessert and games/movies. We are currently listening to them in the other room while we sit in our living room. There ended up being seven who came so we have a house full! A few of them are new this year, too, so it's nice that they're getting to know some others before school starts next week. Josh has said a couple of times today, "I'm seventeen!" I just have to say "Yep, I can't believe it either!" I gave him a synopsis of his "birth" day, too, and he especially enjoys the part where I asked for drugs during labor and they wouldn't give me any because he was asleep!!!! Must be where it all started - the boy can sleep through anything!!

On a side note we did get him registered for school yesterday and got his schedule. He'll be taking: AP English, AP Calculus, AP Biology, Economics/Government (semester classes), Theatre 2, Computer Engineering/PE (semester classes), and Intro to Computer Aided Drafting. Should be a pretty full year for him. Something I think is interesting is all of his teachers are men! School starts next week on Thursday and I think he's ready so he can meet some more folks - plus it IS his SENIOR YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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