Saturday, October 25, 2008

Halloween Festival

The base had a halloween festival last night and today indoors with games and stuff for the kids. Ian had his costume already - he's Commander Rex the clonetrooper but I haven't really gotten Ellie one. Well, on the fly I decided to put on her leopard patterned "sweatsuit" put her hair up on top and......

ta da - she's Pebbles!!!! Well, at least Pebbles that lives in North Dakota!! We got lots of comments on how cute she looked. I was surprised that she didn't mess with her hair at all. I really thought she would!!

It was also really cute because there was music overhead and she would just randomly start dancing. We tried to get it on video but this is as close as we could get and, yes, I'm sorry it is crooked so you'll have to tilt your head to the side!

1 comment:

Beverly said...

Oh, my, she is TOO CUTE!!

OK, I just caught up on your blog posts, so I'll just put all my comments here. Ian is looking so grown up!!! What a cutie! I love that he and Josh got to go see a show together. How fun!

I'm so glad you guys have found a good church. Sometimes that can be hard! But praise the Lord for leading you to the right place.

Hugs to you and the fam!!!