Monday, November 12, 2007

Ellie is 5 months old!

Well, another month has gone by and our little girl is now 5 months old! She has been doing pretty well although the last week has been a little unusual - she's been pretty cranky in the evenings (we thought we were over that). We feel like she may be in the stage of wanting mama, though. Tonight Brian was holding her and she was just a fussing then I took her and she stopped. Brian said he's not ready for this stage! Last night she gave us a little bit of a scare. We were watching a movie after she'd gone to bed and we heard her choking. We went in to check on her and her bed was covered in spit-up and it was still coming. We took her to the bathroom and got her out of her wet pajamas and I got in the shower with her. I fully expected her to get upset about the shower and she didn't so that worried me, too. After her shower she continued to spit-up/vomit for the next twenty minutes. I held her on my lap on the couch and she gagged a few more times but finally went on to sleep. I put her in her bed around 11pm and she did sleep until 5:13am but went back to sleep after eating until about 7am. She was fine today, though, so we really don't know what happened. I had given her a little bit of my potato at dinner so we wondered if that was it or something else. Needless to say I won't be giving her potato again anytime soon!! :)

Today she was great. We went to the zoo as a family and had a good day. I don't know if she ever really saw the animals but every now and again it seemed something would catch her eye.

Some things Ellie can do: giggle, smiles at everyone - many people say she's a very smiling baby, roll from tummy to back, take her socks off, grab toys, put things in her mouth, hold her head up while on her tummy (as demonstrated in the picture), and she has gotten to where she notices Downey (our cat) and will watch him walk across the room. Won't be long and she'll be chasing him across the room! All-in-all we are at such a fun stage and we're trying to enjoy every minute of it!

1 comment:

Amy Kilpatrick said...

What was going on with Ellie? The poor thing! 5 months old already? Can I say that pictures don't do that girl justice? She is just SO darn cute in person! So happy too!