Monday, November 19, 2007

It's Just Stuff

Brian and I are both pack rats although we are working on getting better about it. Well, for the last two moves we have been overweight and really needed to get rid of pounds. So, we've gone through books, toys, clothes, the kitchen and sold a lot at a garage sale a month ago. But, one thing I kept thinking about was our bar. It's big and heavy. I briefly mentioned to Brian when we first moved in that perhaps it was time to let it go. We got it the year Ian was born and although we love it, it takes up a lot of space and we never really use it like we thought we would - plus, it's not necessarily the message we would like for people to get when coming to our home. Yes, we enjoy having a drink every now and then but it's not a BIG part of our lives. Well, I was surprised when he agreed that perhaps we should try and sell it BUT we weren't really doing a whole lot about it. At our open house some friend of ours were commenting on how pretty the bar was and Brian said, Yes, we love it but it's for sale. They asked how much and he gave them a price and they said, SOLD! So, as of yesterday the bar is no longer ours as they came and picked it up. It's kind of funny because Brian and I have still had to tell our selves - it's just stuff - but we did buy it while in Singapore and trust me when I tell you they didn't pay near what it was worth and that stings a little bit, too!! BUT, we are hoping now we won't be overweight this move although we have added a dining room set that I inherited from my grandmother (well, it was hers and I ended up with it) plus a crib and all for Ellie. Our dining room looks a little bare right now but it's nice to feel like we have space to spread out a little. It was a big step in the right direction for us. Before they took the bar, I took a picture of Brian with it so we'll have that to hold onto!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Like the Bar I remember when you bought that.. of course ours is just stuff too..amazing how our lives change..

Christy Kerley