Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Eliana Update

Well, Ellie continues to be fussier than she was before last Wednesday so I finally made her a doctor's appointment for today just to make sure there wasn't something more going on. It was decided that everything looks good that, perhaps, she's just fussy! If that's the case boy are we in for a long few years!!!! Sometimes she'll just, out of the blue, straighten up and start screaming! I'm hoping that maybe it's just a phase or, perhaps, it really is teething we just aren't seeing the teeth yet! The doctor did go ahead and have us do some bloodwork on her to make sure she's not anemic - because she's so tiny. She weighed in today at 15 pounds and was 27 1/4 inches long. So, she's growing just not plumping up any. The doc also gave me some pediasure for her to try and add some fat to her diet but said to keep an eye out because it is milk based. Well, to be honest, after looking at the ingredients, I don't think I'm interested in giving it to her! The second ingredient is SUGAR! I'm reading up online for some healthier, organic-like ideas. If any of you moms out there have any suggestions, I'm all ears! Remembering that she may be allergic to milk! I still can't believe my baby will be ONE in a couple of weeks!!

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