Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Something fun that DID happen last week!

A hi-light for my week last week happened last Thursday night. It was my last bunco night here and I was looking forward to having some adult time with the ladies. I was still feeling the stress of the week but knew it's what I needed. I dropped Josh off at work around the corner from where we were playing that night and there was a pretty good storm that was moving through. Before we even got a chance to play, lightning hit a generator and the power went out. We are die hard bunco gals, though, so that didn't stop us! Our hostess got out all the candles she had and we proceeded to play in the dark - aw, how romantic! We ended up only playing two rounds and in the last hand of the last round, Josh called and asked me to pick him up because their power was out too and they'd had to move the ice cream to another location and they were closed. So, I quickly drove around the corner and picked him up then went right back and got there just as they were starting to tally the points. With the way my week was going, I really didn't figure I'd win anything and was just happy to have a fun evening out. Well, when they announced the most wins - it was me!! We were playing for more money since it was our last night and I won $60!!! I couldn't believe it! After the winnings were all handed out we played another little dice game that we hadn't ever played before. We had just started when some of the ladies started saying - aw, how come you won't let Josh play? I said, I don't mind if he plays if you guys don't mind so they asked him if he had $3 (the price to play the game). He only had $2 so they said, "Joy you won all that money you can spare $1 for your son!" So, they let him play. Well, in this game it continues until only one person has $1 left and then that person gets the "pot". It took a little while since there were 21 of us playing and then, at one point, it got to where it was only Josh and I with $1 left. I said, "Can't we just say it's in the family and be done?" But they wouldn't let us since there was still the potential for someone else to get our dollar. So, we kept rolling and Josh ended up having to give his dollar to someone else. Then it was she and I rolling and finally she rolled out so I ended up winning another $60!!! I still can't believe I left that evening with $120!! (I gave Josh his $2 back.) Say what you want but I totally credit the Lord for that little blessing!!!

1 comment:

Barksdale Family said...

WOO HOOO!! I know you were happy. Sounds like you had alot of fun!