Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Our Weekend

Last weekend went by quickly and slowly all at the same time! We stayed busy but it wasn't without some downsides! Last Wednesday Ellie had a fever all day and it, at one point, got to 103 degrees so we had to keep giving her Tylenol about every four hours just to put it under 102. Finally by Thursday morning it had leveled off to right around 99 but boy was she cranky! I really thought all of it was signs of teething but, here we are a week later and still no teeth! Well, her crankiness continues and that's how we met last weekend!

Brian and Ian had baseball practice and Josh was at a friend's so it was just Ellie and I and she would get so cranky that the only thing that seemed to make her happy was going outside! By the time they got home I was ready to put her to bed and, thankfully, she obliged! Saturday morning after getting Ellie, Brian tells me he's not feeling well and heads to the restroom. Ian had a game that morning at 10:30am so he was supposed to be going with him. Well, he ended up not being able to make it because he was still ill. Josh, Ellie and I went to the game and it was a beautiful morning for it! Ian ended up hitting 3 for 3 and had a couple of good plays at 2nd so it was a good game for him - his team did win, too.

That afternoon we were supposed to go to a social for GOE for Brian but he still wasn't doing well but suggested we go instead. BUT, the only car we had available (because Josh had to work and was taking the Grand Prix) was the Catalina and I've never driven it and didn't plan to start SO I called a friend whose husband is also in GOE to see if I could get a ride and they said "sure" so they ended up picking us up. I'm not sure if that ended up being a good decision or not, though, because Ellie fussed most of the time there and ended up throwing up everything she'd eaten so it wasn't a very fun time for me, unfortunately. Ian, on the other hand, had a great time!

Sunday my nephews (who live in Atlanta) were in their churches children's musical and we decided that since we're so close, we should go because who knows when we'll get another chance to do it? So, we left for ATL that morning (Brian was feeling better, PTL) and arrived there in time to eat lunch with them. It was supposed to be a surprise but my parents (who were already there visiting) decided to tell them to make sure there would be enough food (which was fine). The boys were surprised and happy to see us. Ian (and even Josh) enjoyed playing with them. Around the time the boys had to leave, Ian started saying he didn't feel well. So, after they left he layed down and took a nap. We woke him up when it was time to go and he still said he didn't feel well. We were at the church waiting to try and check Ellie in at the nursery and Ian started throwing up! I rushed him into the bathroom and he still didn't make it to the toilet so he threw up on the floor in there. Brian came in (he had been parking the car) and I had him go with Ian (he was in the boy's room). Brian ended up telling us to just go on and if Ian felt up to it they would sit at the back of the church, just in case. Matthew and Andrew both had speaking parts as James and John (the two disciples that were brothers and fisherman) and the musical was called "Simon Says: The Rockin' Trial of Simon Peter." It was pretty cute. I've attached a picture I took - the girl in the middle was the judge and they were giving their testimony. (Andrew is on the left and Matthew is on the right). Shortly after the program we headed out (Ian ended up seeing the whole thing and felt better). We stopped and got dinner at McDonalds and didn't even think to tell Ian not to eat it all but he did. About 22 miles from home, Ian ended up throwing up again! Not fun. Monday he woke up feeling fine and went on to school and has been fine since. I'm now wondering if he was car sick but I'm really not sure!
Oh, and Ellie was still fussy all day Sunday at their house so I'm not really sure what's going on with her!

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