Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Ellie's Rash & Cute Bath Time Pictures

Well, I might have to own up to the fact that Ellie is allergic to milk. Back in November I had given her a small amount of potatoes with butter and cheese on it. Later that evening (after going to bed) she was up throwing up. A couple of months ago at a function, I gave Ellie one of the Panini bagel cracker things to gnaw on and a few minutes later while she was still gnawing on it we noticed all around her mouth it looked like she had mosquito bites. We took the cracker away, washed her up and a little while later the rash was gone. Then, another time we were at a restaurant and I gave her a couple of bites of Ian's macaroni and cheese and Brian showed me when we got home that it looked like she had welts on her lips! We've been somewhat avoiding milk because of it but we've tested it a little by giving her a small amount of yogurt and she didn't react so I was starting to think maybe it was something else. Well, today at lunch I gave her some of our leftovers from last night (a kind of chicken pot pie casserole) and she started acting a little funny but kept eating it so I wasn't sure what was going on. After she'd eaten a good little bit, she ended up spitting up some of it and I thought perhaps she hadn't chewed something well and that caused her to gag. Because of the spit up I had to change her clothes and she was not happy. I thought she wanted to nurse so I nursed her but she still wasn't happy. Brian took her and was holding her when she started to gag a little and he was quick enough to get her to the sink and she pretty much emptied her stomach. After that she felt a little better but still not quite herself. I left to get Ian and when I got home Brian tells me he thinks she has hives on her stomach. She did. She was keeping down some apple sauce but didn't want anything else. I ended up giving her a homeopathic medicine to help with the hives and a little while later she was acting much more herself and finished the applesauce. Oh, boy. I don't know if I'm ready to deal with allergies! I've known so many friends with kids with allergies but we've never had them and I'm going to have to really change a lot for this. Some of you out there who are dealing with this, please give me your thoughts/comments/feedback - I sure would appreciate it! During her bath tonight I realized I hadn't gotten any good pictures of her in the bathtub so I thought I would do that plus include a picture of her rash. It makes me hurt just to look at it but it doesn't seem to be bothering her and her breathing never seemed to be in jeopardy - praise the Lord!


Hartman said...

Poor little punkin'.....we don't have any food allergies over here so I can't help you.

What a cutie she is!!

Bob and Claire said...

Well, unfortunately Caleb does have an allergy to milk, as well as to peanuts, pecans, and walnuts. I would definitely say that Ellie has an allergy and would avoid milk in the future! We have an epipen for Caleb, but he has never needed it--his reactions have always been controlled by chewing benedryl. I use soy milk in my baking and cooking, and for things like casseroles, potpies, or whatever, where milk (or sour cream or even cream of something soup) is pretty integral, than I make a separate little dish for Caleb with just the meat, rice, beans, vegs or whatever, and maybe some mayo or soymilk to keep it together. That sounds gross to me too, LOL, but that's what he's always known, and so he's fine with it! : )

The more milk you can avoid, the greater her chances are of outgrowing her allergy, so I would still encourage you not to give her regular yogurt, even if she doesn't seem to react to it. You don't want to raise her sensitivity level by exposing her. Also, the allergist will tell you that past reactions don't predict future ones, and you can't tell when her next reaction might be anaphylactic!

Hmmm . . . I'm trying to think of what else. Please email me any questions you have! I promise I'll be better at responding that I was about your last email (school stuff) that I kept meaning to write you back about and just never did! : )