Sunday, April 13, 2008

Visit with Jen

My friend Jen came to visit this weekend. She lives in Missouri but was on a business trip to Biloxi so she drove up to visit over the weekend. She arrived Friday evening and left this afternoon. We had a lot of fun and picked up right where we left off - we hadn't seen each other since 1999! Plus, during that time we hadn't done a great job at keeping in touch and only reconnected a few months back so it was really good to see her and catch up on each other. We became friends when we were both in Columbus, MS, and she was a bridesmaid in my wedding. While she was here we pretty much just hung out and got caught up on everything. Yesterday we were having our garage sale (I'll talk about that more later) so we were a little busy with that until noon but then we all went to lunch and then she and I headed to get pedicures (Jen was the person who bought me my first pedicure so it seemed only fitting that we go do that!) We did a little shopping then came home and had a yummy dinner of Brian's grilled chicken, I made a twice baked potato casserole, fruit salad and Jen put together a yummy salad. Then, we went through old pictures and shared old memories and stories - so much fun. Hopefully, it won't be another decade until we see each other again!

1 comment:

Amy Kilpatrick said...

So glad your visit went well! It's nice to catch up with old friends. I need that too! Coming to visit soon?!? LOL!