Friday, April 11, 2008

Guess who got their license?

Well, it finally happened. Josh got his driver's license yesterday! I picked him up a little early from school and we got there and we were seen right away and out of there in ten minutes - thank goodness! He was pretty excited. He couldn't help smiling for his picture for his license. We let him drive to school today plus he took his brother to school so I didn't have to. I almost didn't know what to do with myself this morning! I actually went out walking around 7:45am instead of 8:30am! So, I was officially ready for the day by 10am! Wow! I'm trying not to think about it too much (the fact that he's out there by himself) but I did say a prayer as they left this morning and I figure it's all in the Lord's hands now! Here are some pictures of him with his license plus them leaving this morning.


Hartman said...
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Hartman said...

Great picture with the much fun will you have scrappin' that page....

leanne said...

Can I tell you that I am just in shock that he is old enough to have a driver's license?