Monday, April 7, 2008

How did we get so BUSY?

It's been a while since I've blogged about things - the days just seem to fly by and the nights go even faster since it seems we have some sort of activity every night. (Might I refer back to a previous blog about BASEBALL???) To be honest I've also been having fun playing on Facebook - it's a little bit addicting and fun finding lots of friends from the past. If you aren't on there, you might think about it and look me up! :) Just don't blame me if you spend more time on there than you really should!! As a recap of the last couple of weeks, here's our schedule from Easter forward.
Easter Sunday: Family recovering from being sick, parents here.
Easter Monday: Try to get Josh's driver's license early that morning just to find we calculated wrong and his 6 months is up April 10th not March 10th. I then take him on to school. Ian and Brian on Spring Break. Parents head home.
Tuesday: Somewhat relaxing day home with Ian and Brian. They have baseball practice that evening.
Wednesday: Brian leaves at o dark hundred for Atlanta where he's flying out of to go to NYC to meet his "Eagle" for his research project. Go walking in the morning. Ian, Ellie and I go to the commissary. FUN STUFF! I take the boys and our neighbors to church that night and someone else brought them home.
Thursday: Take Josh to school, go for walk, spend some time with Ian while Ellie naps. After her nap we had packed a picnic lunch and head to a park we've been wanting to go to and have a nice afternoon at the park. No activities tonight!
Friday: Take Josh to scshool, go for walk, spend some time with Ian while Ellie naps. We eat lunch at home but decide to go back to the same park. After a while there we were thinking about heading home when it starts raining, definitely time to go! Brian's flight is delayed a little coming home but he still gets home around 6pm. Have a nice evening at home (Josh went home with a friend and then to the movies, got home later).
Saturday: Brian and Ian have baseball practice that morning. But after that we have a nice day at home. Planned to camp in the backyard. Brian worked hard, got the tent set up we had a fire in our fire pit, roasted hot dogs then started on the marshmallows and the rain started. Slept inside. (side note: tent is STILL up!!)
Sunday: Go to Josh's friend's church and go to lunch with them afterwards. Nice to spend some time getting to know them.
Monday: Life back to normal as far as school schedules go - everyone is back in!! Have OCF that evening.
Tuesday: Another normal day. Brian and Ian have baseball that evening.
Wednesday: Normal day. I had a steering committee social that evening.
Thursday: Normal day. Ian has his first game that evening. Start time was 7:15pm but because the game ahead had to go into an extra inning due to a tie it didn't actually start until more like 7:45pm - and these are 7 year olds!!
Friday: Normal day. Josh and I go after school with his date and her mom to pick out his tux for the Prom. WOW are tux's expensive!!! Especially considering I'm just renting and not actually keeping it!! Brian and Ian were supposed to have baseball but (PRAISE the Lord) it was raining and storming so practice was canceled and we had a relaxing evening at home.
Saturday: The morning was quiet and we were able to do some things to get ready for our community yard sale this coming Saturday. Ian was supposed to have a game at 1:15pm but it got canceled because of the rain. He had a birthday party at an indoor inflatable place from 2:30-4:30 for a friend from school and then from 5-7pm we had an OCF social on base.
Sunday: Brian and Josh went with our neighbors to Birmingham to see Spam-a-lot. They've had the tickets for a while so they had been looking forward to it. They had to leave at 10am and I just decided to stay home with Ian and Ellie. Ian had another birthday party for a friend from school at 2pm at the bowling alley so while he was there I came home and Ellie got a nap. Brian and Josh got home (well, Brian did Josh went on to hang out with friends) around 6pm and then it was back to the grind of studying for Brian as he had an in class closed book mid-term today that he was a little nervous about.
So, now the week starts over again with all the usual evening activities to keep us busy. But, hey, that's what it's like when you have kids involved in things, right?! Now you know what we've been up to (at least for the most part) for the last two weeks. I know you wanted all the details...

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