Sunday, April 20, 2008

Much Anticipated Prom Pictures!!!

I know many of you have been looking every day to see if I've posted pictures yet from Josh's prom - or at least I like to pretend that you have - and I finally have them. I've put them all in a scrapbook style for your viewing pleasure. There's a bit of a story of something that happened that night but I won't spell it out for you this time - you have to look carefully at the pictures to see if you can figure it out! If enough of you leave a comment, I'll include the full story in my next blog (bribery, let's see if it works?! {smile}). He had a great time and it's a night he won't soon forget!! Enjoy the virtual scrapbook!

Click to play Josh's Prom 2008
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Amy Kilpatrick said...

You are kidding, right? Who was driving? Is everyone okay? Call me tomorrow, if I don't call you first!

Hartman said...

What happened and why is he taking his date to the prom in your minivan??!!

lisam said...

Okay I had something like this a few months ago...I will be checking for the story....

like every hour!

Bob and Claire said...

Great scrapbook! That turned out really well! I'll look forward to the story too . . .

P.S. Don't miss my long comment about Ellie's allergies--I'm behind on reading blogs and am catching up!

Beverly said...

Very cute pictures!!